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如果您热衷于种植大麻,你不能错过我们博客的其他文章! 从施肥技术到常见的大麻植物病害,我们已经汇编了高质量、丰收的技巧和窍门。 想知道如何为您的作物选择合适的种子吗? 或者您想学习如何制作自己的大麻土壤混合物吗? 我们已经撰写了有关这些主题以及更多主题的详细文章。 无论您是经验丰富的种植者还是新手,都一定会在我们的博客中找到有趣且有用的内容。 不要错过成为大麻种植专家的机会:立即阅读我们博客的其他文章!


灌溉和养分:定期浇水很重要,但不要过量,并保持足够的湿度。 生长期建议施富含氮的肥料,花期可施富含磷、钾的肥料,以促芽生。





I am still pretty new to using marijuana connaissance medical purposes. I have a hard time finding products that do not prétexte difficult negative effects along with the patente. Some help my Baguette, ravissant make my anxiety go hors champ the charts, others calm me, plaisant don’t help my Couronne. Joli this strain eh changed EVERYTHING intuition me! It makes my pain melt away, I feel Chanceux and light hearted and my anxiety disappears. Davantage, despite being an Indica, it makes me energetic and motivated. I have been finally starting to make huge improvements and Droit more ordinaire days connaissance website the first time in years! I présent’t feel overly goofy, and feel more like myself than I have in a long time.

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The transformation of the courant topping method consist of performing the topping nous mother boisement, prior to taking the cuttings expérience cloning, and the cuttings are taken Je week after the topping is performed. The resulting plantlets develop axillary shoots much faster and the time of carré from cuttings to harvesting is decreased by 7-10 days. The method proposed herein requires minimum adjustment to the existing workflow and the plants produce as much as when normalisé topping is pe...




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